Thursday, January 6, 2011

**Special Buy Alert!**

While perusing the SBs for the next week (week of Jan 12), I noticed that they will have an Aldi version of Laughing Cow Cheese.  Now, let me explain what that is, if you're not familiar with it.  Laughing Cow Cheese is a low fat, low calorie spreadable cheese product that comes in little wedges wrapped in foil.  One wedge is about 3/4 of an ounce.  There are eight wedges in a package.  There is a "regular" version, which I think has about 50-60 calories and maybe 3 grams of fat, and then there is a "light" version, which has 35 calories and 1.5 grams of fat, making it a perfect food for those trying to watch their calorie and fat intake.  Dieters across the country have become quite skilled at utilizing this wonder product and there are probably hundreds of ways to eat it.  I've even seen recipes for fettuccine alfredo made with Laughing Cow cheese!!!  Anyway, from what I can tell, Aldi will have a regular and light version available as a SB, and guess what?  The cheapest price I've seen Laughing Cow cheese for was at Walmart for about $3.50.  Aldi's price?  $1.49.

Here's what to look for:

Sorry, the picture is kind of blurry from copying and pasting from the website.   So look for it!  If you've never tried it, take my word for it and give it a whirl!

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